Policy Resolutions Files

Policy Resolution No. 40 (BM 04-06-25-2020)

  • Guidelines on the Filing of Operational and Financial Reports

Policy Resolution No. 29 (BM 02-02-21-2020)

  • Guidelines on the Grant of 20% Discount on Air Fares to Medal of Valor Awardees and their Qualified Dependents in compliance with Republic Act No. 9049 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations

Policy Resolution No. 09 (BM 01-01-20-2020)

  • Amending CAB Resolution No. 32 (BM 03-05-25-2018) entitled "Rationalizing Capital and Operational Requirements for the Grant of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity" amended by CAB Resolution No. 72 (BM 08-11-29-2018)

Policy Resolution No. 08 (BM 01-01-20-2020)

  • Rationalizing the Rules on the Grant of Designation and Entitlements

Policy Resolution No. 65 (BM 07A-10-24-2019)

  • Penalizing Chronically Delayed and Cancelled Flights

Policy Resolution No. 64 (BM 07A-10-24-2019)

  • Passenger Fuel Surcharge for Domestic and International Flights

Policy Resolution No. 05 (AR05-2019)

  • Guidelines on the Grant of 20% Discount on Air Fares for Students in accordance with the mandate of Republic Act No. 11314, An Act Institutionalizing the Grant of Student Fare Discount Privileges on Public Transportation and For Other purposes.

Policy Resolution No. 52 (BM 06-08-27-2019)

  • Amending CAB Resolution No. 26 (BM 04-05-30-2019) entitled "Requirements on Submission of Monthly On Time Performance (OTP)"

Policy Resolution No. 30 (BM 04-05-30-2019)

  • Guidelines in the Operation of Leased Aircraft

Ad Referendum Resolution No. 01 (2019)

  • Revised Guidelines on the Availment of Compassionate Fares, Reiterating and Clarifying for the Purpose CAB Resolution No. 59 (BM 06-09-27-2018) series of 2018

CAB Hotline

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NAIA Terminal1 0919-9128457 Laoag 0998-5864834
NAIA Terminal2 0919-9128458 Legaspi 0919-9128461
NAIA Terminal3 0919-9128451 Mactan-Cebu T1 0919-9128464
NAIA Terminal4 0919-9128470 Mactan-Cebu T2 0998-9668315
Bacolod 0998-5864828 Masbate 0998-9668314
Basco 0998-5864829 Naga 0919-9128462
Boracay 0998-8672416 Ozamis 0998-5864835
Busuanga 0919-9128460 Pagadian 0998-5864836
Butuan 0998-5864830 Puerto Princessa 0998-5864837
Camiguin 0998-5864831 Roxas 0998-5864838
Clark 0919-9128471 Siargao 0919-9128456
Davao 0919-9128469 Surigao 0998-5864839
Dipolog 0998-5864832 Tacloban 0998-5864840
Dumaguete 0998-5864833 Tagbilaran 0919-9128465
General Santos 0919-9128467 Tuguegarao 0998-5864841
Iloilo 0919-9128466 Virac 0919-9128463
Kalibo 0919-9128454 Zamboanga 0998-5864842
Laguindingan 0919-9128468

✆ 8852-8967 (CAB Legal Office)

Trunk Lines:
☎ (+632) 8853-7259
☎ (+632) 8854-5996