November Files

November 25, 2014 - Air Philippines Corporation (dba Philippine Airlines) 3pm

  • Petition for Renewal of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to Operate Non-Scheduled International Air Transporation Services
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-78101/HED102014-777

November 25, 2014 - Air Philippines Corporation (dba Philippine Airlines) 2pm

  • Petition for Renewal of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) to Operate Scheduled International Air Transporation Services
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-78102/HED102014-778

November 13, 2014 - Cebu Air, Inc. (dba Cebu Pacific Air)

  • Petition for Authority to Impose Fuel Surcharge on its International Passenger Tickets
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-78048/HED102014/5J/390-PFS

November 12, 2014 - Zest Airways, Inc. (dba AirAsia Zest)

  • Petition for Authority to Impose Revise Fuel Surcharge on its Domestic Passenger Tickets
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-75197/HED042014/Z2/354-PFS1

November 11, 2014 - South East Asian Airline (SEAIR), Inc. (d.b.a. Tiger Airways Philippines)

  • Petition for Authority to Impose Fuel Surcharge on its Domestic Passenger Tickets
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-78015-HED102014/DG/393-PFS

November 06, 2014 - Qatar Airways

  • Petition for Authority to Impose Security Surcharge on Cargo
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-50771/HED092014/QR/892-SSC

November 05, 2014 - AirAsia, Inc.

  • Petition for Designation as Official Philippine Carrier and Re-allocation of Entitlements to Korea
  • Version: CAB Case No. EP-50855-HED102014-776

CAB Hotline

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NAIA Terminal1 0919-9128457 Laoag 0998-5864834
NAIA Terminal2 0919-9128458 Legaspi 0919-9128461
NAIA Terminal3 0919-9128451 Mactan-Cebu T1 0919-9128464
NAIA Terminal4 0919-9128470 Mactan-Cebu T2 0998-9668315
Bacolod 0998-5864828 Masbate 0998-9668314
Basco 0998-5864829 Naga 0919-9128462
Boracay 0998-8672416 Ozamis 0998-5864835
Busuanga 0919-9128460 Pagadian 0998-5864836
Butuan 0998-5864830 Puerto Princessa 0998-5864837
Camiguin 0998-5864831 Roxas 0998-5864838
Clark 0919-9128471 Siargao 0919-9128456
Davao 0919-9128469 Surigao 0998-5864839
Dipolog 0998-5864832 Tacloban 0998-5864840
Dumaguete 0998-5864833 Tagbilaran 0919-9128465
General Santos 0919-9128467 Tuguegarao 0998-5864841
Iloilo 0919-9128466 Virac 0919-9128463
Kalibo 0919-9128454 Zamboanga 0998-5864842
Laguindingan 0919-9128468

✆ 8852-8967 (CAB Legal Office)

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☎ (+632) 8853-7259
☎ (+632) 8854-5996